Premarital counseling is often sought by couples who recognize insight and tools will help them to carry out a successful marriage.
Utilizing the PREPARE/ENRICH certified program, counselors at Joyful Journeys will assess and evaluate couple strengths and areas for improvements. Some couples can be surprised by what the data reveals while others may feel they already have identified their growth areas and strengths. Assessments help counselor and couples 1) use a common vocabulary 2) specify and define areas 3) maintain focus on areas significant to healthy relationships.
Some officiants, pastors, or wedding facilities may require premarital counseling prior to marrying the couple. Premarital counseling is also sought by couples who are interested in receiving a discount on the marriage license fee. Joyful Journeys Counseling is a recognized provider by the state of Texas in the Twogether Texas program. Completion of 10 weeks (or 10 hours) with JJC is one way to qualify for the Twogether Texas premarital program.