Special delivery on May 8! Mark your calendars and help me spread the word, please? Real parenting resources for real parents. Holla.

Special delivery on May 8! Mark your calendars and help me spread the word, please? Real parenting resources for real parents. Holla.
It can be hard to lose. I wonder if you can relate to the idea that it might also be hard to win? Joyful Journeys Counseling went through THREE rounds to finally succumb as second runner up for Best Mental Health Professional 2024 in Austin, TX. Nomination Round First, JJC was nominated in August as …
Valentine’s Day is more than a commercialized gimmick. There are evidence-based reasons for celebrating. Lean into the opportunity to boost happy hormones, strengthen social connections, and yield dividends with positive investments. Remember, celebrations do not have to be elaborate to be meaningful. Here are 10+ ways to start this year’s Valentine’s Day with a healthy boost of dopamine.
Anxiety and stress are typical during the holiday season. Here are four practical solutions to manage anxiety and prevent undue stress this holiday season.
Admittedly, the majority of goodbyes can invoke painful memories and emotions. For the average individual, transitions, change, and goodbyes are uncomfortable. These five steps to saying goodbye can help with transitions.
Cue the confetti. Grab the party horn. Don a festive hat. The time to congratulate, celebrate, and consider JJC’s third summer of service is NOW! Whoop WhoopIf you have followed JJC for any amount of time, you are familiar with Founder, Jennifer Lytle’s personal emphases on specific moments of reflection and rejoicing. This year is …
The month of February is way more than a commercialized scheme for excess consumerism. Celebrate big with family fun! Want ideas? Read on!