A normal question to bring to counseling is, why . . . Yet, this question may need to be sidelined for a period of time.
A normal question to bring to counseling is, why . . . Yet, this question may need to be sidelined for a period of time.
Trash talk might be something represented in our society as good and potentially positive in terms of competition. But we know it can be damaging in relationships . . . so how do we step out of it? This exercise is for children aged 3-10.
inviting, refreshing, inspiring
Looking for an effective method to communicate with children? Apples of Gold is a tool for child-to-child and caregiver-to-child connection and communication. Manuals may be restrictive, but this script yields an outline to increase connection, develop integrity, and engage in honest discussions. It is simple, manageable, and can be used in various situations for conflict resolution.
Life with my little girl is rich, full, and filled with wonder.
It’s been one year since Joyful Journeys Counseling opened an office for services. This year, Joyful Journeys provided over 150 hours of affordable counseling, opened an Etsy shop with handcrafted art, and collaborated in a community fair.
I’m jumping in; are you reaching out?
I grew up with paper plates. Lots of paper plates.