It’s ideal for both client and counselor to help one another adhere to timing . . . and if your counselor is ever late, allow them a good faith effort to address and correct the issue. Otherwise, you’ve simply averted confrontation. That might be the very reason you are in counseling at all. What better time to practice than when your therapist is late?
Kindness Counts: Loving Big in February
The month of February is way more than a commercialized scheme for excess consumerism. Celebrate big with family fun! Want ideas? Read on!
Fog of Indecision
When making a decision is so hard to do . . .
Bootiful Season
The fall season stirs up creative critters and #theartofhomemaking makes a debut. Expect conservative considerations of modern homemaking married to the psychology of space in this podcast. Find it on Spotify.
Snail Face
Beauty in the form of a pill, packet, or snail face lotion might be fun to laugh about unless you think you are on candid camera.
Good Enough & Grateful
After I took a minute to cool my mitts, I came back and apologized.
Embracing Wonder
Life with my little girl is rich, full, and filled with wonder.
Celebrating 1 Year!
It’s been one year since Joyful Journeys Counseling opened an office for services. This year, Joyful Journeys provided over 150 hours of affordable counseling, opened an Etsy shop with handcrafted art, and collaborated in a community fair.
Paper Plate Celebration
I grew up with paper plates. Lots of paper plates.
Your Heart, Our Heart, on Mission: The Story of the Heart Rocks
Like the oil available to the widow, are the heart rocks made available to me?